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What You Need to Know About the Different Treatments For Ovarian Cysts

Tuesday, May 5, 2009 , Posted by Hossam REFFAT at 7:30 AM

We already heard about the typical methods of getting rid of ovarian cyst. They include drugs or medicine and surgery. Aside from the mentioned ways, we also have natural treatments available. There are a lot of debates whether birth control pills really help in eliminating the cyst on your ovary. Doctors prescribe pills because they inhibit ovulation and regulate the menstrual cycle. If no ovulation is present, no functional ovarian cyst will be developed. Some experts disagree with the effectiveness of the pill with this condition. Some studies have been conducted to prove that a cyst can shrink with or without the use of any hormonal or birth control pill.

Another popular method is surgery. As with any other procedure, surgery involves some risks and possible complications as well. You might feel sick after the operation is done due to the effects of the anesthesia. It is important to know that you are not allowed to drink alcohol within 48 hours after your surgery because general anesthesia has an effect with your reasoning skills. This also means that you cannot operate machinery and sign legal documents.

In addition to that, please take note of the other possible complications. These are very rare but they can occur.

- Accidental damage to the other organs in the abdomen (extremely rare but this can be fatal)
- Damage to the fallopian tube
- Damage to the womb
- Oophorectomy- removal of the ovary

The risks involved are identifiable to you and differ for every person most of the time that's why it is very important to let your physician discuss this to you before the operation is performed.

A new way of getting rid of ovarian cyst is by treating it naturally. Natural methods are safe and they are more affordable as well. Some natural treatments offers other benefits like cleansing the body and restoring hormonal balance. The holistic approach of this method also aids in making the woman's body work in its natural pattern.

The primary objective of this holistic approach is to help women eliminate ovarian cyst completely and prevent it from recurring. You can also get a free 5-part email course about ovarian cysts at

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