how to lose weight fast and healthy

Why you should lose weight?
Dear friend,
Iam not only asking you to lose weight to avoid complications of obesity but to be more healthy ,not only to live longer but to live better
So you should start weight lose program…..
Dear friend,
if you really seeks to live better,read these points carefully and ive me your mind:
1-agood weight lose program never succssed if you dont trust yourself… You can do it ,others not better than you........
2-eat the right foods at the right time to achieve the fat loss that you need to. There is no starving yourself, or only eating the same foods day after day.
3- weight lose program isnot definitely mans not toeat butto change your habit
Eat more vegetables,more fruits……
I know,there are some food you shouldn’t eat but it is for awhile, then you can eat what you need ,also you can wear your favorite clothes,you can communicate with others without blaming yourself,so you can do it now…..yes start weight lose program now
4-water……can you live or imagine your life without water???i don’t think …Water is very important for our bodies ,3/4 of our body consists of water ,also we need water in our weight lose program,to burn fat…….my advice to you is to drink2 litres of water 30 min before breakfast…..try it ….itis very effective
5-exercise,,I know that regular exercise program becomes difficult nowadays….but it is amust,so become more active even during routine daily work….take the stairs instead of the elevator…..walk for only 20-30 min daily if you can…..
6- the most important point in weight lose program …Start of the green dish that contain all of the tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, onion, yellow beet and vegetables, eat it before any type of food, and then followed by a platter of vegetables and drink a piece of meat weighs 100 grams and 50 grams of bread and cooked vegetables, weighing 100 grams.
Finally…….ialso have more information that I am sure it is important for me and you……..i will write more later…

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